Blogging about my interests when the time allows. Copy+pasting my writing from elsewhere when copyrights allow.
5 Aug 2012
PL / Wcale nie kijowo
2 Aug 2012
EN / The Leaderless Revolution – review
12 Jul 2012
EN / A football book against the time
24 Jun 2012
PL / Azzurri i widmo 1966
13 Jun 2012
EN / Early take on Poland's Euro campaign
2 Jun 2012
EN / Colourful nature of world affairs
The world is colourful. It is, at least, a conclusion that can be drawn from enjoying the Mappa series by Alighiero Boetti that until recently were displayed in London’s Tate Modern.
The exhibition, by name – “Game Plan” – with geopolitical connotations, offered an opportunity to experience how international affairs can be presented in arts.
25 May 2012
EN / Talking to the Beeb
24 May 2012
PL / Rozmowy w Monachium
22 Apr 2012
PL / Demonizacja Europy Wschodniej
20 Apr 2012
EN / Race the Casbah!

19 Apr 2012
EN / Will this Barça leave a legacy?

13 Apr 2012
EN / Kim Jong-why?

Despite the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) being probably the last truly Stalinist state around, the launch of their satellite/rocket* (depends on what you believe in) earlier today has received a lot of attention from international media and diplomatic officials. Mostly thanks to North Korea herself. And here is the problem I did not see being addressed in these insightful analyses and broadcasts today.
16 Mar 2012
EN / “Special”, but for whom?
7 Feb 2012
EN / Masterminding Revolutions
29 Jan 2012
EN / Feel-good foreign policies at FCO

The UK foreign policies are confusing. On the day when Foreign Secretary William Hague was visiting Brazil hailing the growing importance of the continent in general, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Henry Bellingham MP did not mention Latin America at all when highlighting the areas where the UK wants to play a more active role in 2012.
26 Jan 2012
EN / Day at the Lords’